Is Science Good for You?

God says we're stupid regardless of our knowledge of science. So! What's good for you then? You say Artificial Intelligence, I say BS, an acronym for Bio Stupidity, funny, innit?



Science has given us vaccines, airplanes, and the ability to watch porn across the planet almost instantly. It has also given us nuclear bombs, social media addiction, and a world where we know more about celebrity diets & habits than we do about our own families. So, is science good for you? That depends, do you like living longer, or just feeling like you’re dying for a longer time?

Does Medicine Really Increase the Quality and Longevity of Life?

Yes, medicine has doubled our life expectancy. A hundred years ago, you could die from an infected paper cut. Now? We have antibiotics, vaccines, and pills for everything, including being sad about the fact that we have pills for everything.

Now here’s the catch:

  • We’re living longer, but in most cases half of that time is spent waiting in line at a pharmacy.

  • We’re curing diseases, but we’re also inventing new ones. ADHD, depression, chronic anxiety, turns out, modern life is a medical condition.

  • We’re eliminating pandemics, but we also figured out a way to make viruses that could end the world in a lab. Because nothing says “scientific progress” like creating something that makes nature go, “Damn, even I wouldn’t have done that.”

🔎 Further questions to ask your half self:

  • If medicine is so advanced, why do hospital bills still kill more people than actual diseases?

  • Are we actually healthier, or are we just better at diagnosing all the ways we’re falling apart?

  • Is Big Pharma making medicine for us, or are we just some kind of ongoing chickens farm experiment?

Does Philosophy and Psychology Make Us Overthink Instead of Reflect?

Philosophy started as a way to understand life. Now, it’s just an expensive way to ruin a dinner conversation.

  • Stoics say accept life as it is.

  • Existentialists say define your own purpose.

  • Nihilists say nothing matters.

  • Meanwhile, you’re just trying to decide if you should order a burger or a salad.

Psychology isn’t much better. We’ve gone from “know thyself” to “know thy trauma.” Therapy is great, but at some point, we have to ask: Are we healing? Or just learning to describe our dysfunctions in fancier words?

🔎 Further questions to ask some homeless guy:

  • If self-awareness is so great, why does it just make us more aware of how messed up we are?

  • Does philosophy actually answer questions, or is it just a way to sound smart while avoiding a real job?

  • How much therapy is enough? When your therapist starts venting to you, is that a sign you’ve gone too far?

Does Physics and Chemistry Help Us Understand or Just Build More Ways to Kill Ourselves?

Physics is the reason we have electricity, airplanes, and space travel.
It’s also the reason we have nuclear bombs, drone strikes, and microwaves that somehow always overheat one side of the food and leave the other side frozen.

Chemistry? Same deal.

  • I gave up medicine. but medicine gave us meth.

  • It gave us clean water. It also gave us Pepsi. (Kiss my Ass CocaMola)

  • It gave us fire. And then humans said, “Hey, what if we made bigger fire?” And now we have flamethrowers and global warming.

🔎 Further questions to ask your Jewish friends:

  • If science is supposed to help us, why does every discovery come with a built-in apocalypse?

  • Should there be a limit to what scientists can create? Like, maybe we don’t need a virus that melts human flesh in under five minutes?

  • If the universe is made of math and physics, why does it feel like we’re just using them to build faster ways to destroy each other?

At Least Math is Good for the Mind… Or Is It?

Math is the purest, most logical subject. Numbers don’t lie. Unless, of course, you work in finance.

  • Math helped us build the internet.

  • Math helped us build artificial intelligence.

  • Math helped Jeff Bezos figure out how to make billions while paying workers in expired snack packs.

And they say learning math helps develop critical thinking. Sure—until you try to split the dinner bill with a date and suddenly it’s just chaos and betrayal.

🔎 Further questions to ask your sugar daddy or mistress:

  • If math is so precise, why do economists never predict a financial crash before it happens?

  • Is math really good for you, or is it just training you to accept that someone, somewhere, is taking way more than their fair share?

  • If money is just numbers, why can’t we just add more zeros and fix everything? Oh right—because that’s illegal, unless you own a bank.

So, Is Science Good for You?

Well, let’s look at the scoreboard:

  • Medicine lets you live longer, but also keeps you in debt forever.

  • Philosophy gives you deep thoughts, but no real solutions.

  • Psychology helps you understand yourself, but also makes you feel like a walking diagnosis.

  • Physics and chemistry explain the universe, but also make sure we have enough weapons to end it.

  • Math keeps everything running, but mostly for the benefit of people who already have too much.

So, in the end, the real question isn’t whether science is good for you—it’s who is using it, and what they’re using it for.

Because if history has taught us anything, it’s this: whatever we discover, some billionaire will figure out how to make it worse.

🔎 Final questions to consider when taking a dump:

  • Can we use science to actually fix the world, or is it just a tool for the rich to play God?

  • Is human intelligence our greatest gift or just a really complicated way to guarantee our own extinction?

  • And most importantly: if science is so advanced…why does WiFi or even SEO still not work when you need it the most?

  • You say Artificial Intelligence, I say BS, an acronym for Bio Stupidity, funny, innit?

  1. Is Science Overrated, or Are We Just Using It to Justify Our Love for Fancy Gadgets and Overpriced Coffee?"

  2. "Is Science the Ultimate Tool for Progress, or Just a Really Expensive Way to Prove That We’re All Just Overthinking Everything?"

  3. "Should Scientists Chill Out and Stop Trying to Save the World—Maybe Just Join Us for a Beer Instead?"

  4. "Should Science Be a Hobby for the Average Person, or Are We Better Off Just Watching Cat Videos on YouTube?"

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